About OpenCRE


Purchasing Commercial Real Estate Should Be Easy

As real estate brokers, investors, and developers ourselves, our team experienced the hurdles in buying and selling commercial real estate first hand. We founded OpenCRE to reimagine the experience of commercial property transactions as they should be. Fast, easy, and fun!

Our mission is to constantly improve the transaction process by implementing new technology, open access to data, and modern automation.

The Prop Tech Revolution

The commercial real estate industry is changing, and we are at the forefront. With faster transactions, streamlined access to data, and open information, we have created a more fluid market that benefits sellers, buyers, and the real estate system at large.

Streamlined Transactions With Direct Dealings

We encourage direct interaction, increasing communication between the parties, and eliminating unnecessary intermediaries. Agents aren't required.

Digital Legal and Banking Processes

Our platform accelerates contract generation and payment processes, significantly reducing transaction times. We have partnered with HushPiggy to provide confidential banking integration and instant funds verification.

Property For All

Gone are the days when only those with the 'right connections' could find commercial properties. Our platform provides direct access to quality commercial real estate investments, as well as owner occupied buildings, and a variety of other commercial opportunities. There are no buyer fees and no obstacles to purchase.

Open Data Access

Information about commercial real estate has long been extremely segmented and difficult to obtain and analyze. We utilize various means to aggregate and organize data on each property to provide as much information as possible with each listing, simplifying your search and streamlining the due diligence process.

Experience Commercial Real Estate
The Way It Should Be

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